Coucou one and all,
A happy advent/ start to the Christmas celebrations from France!
1 decorated French kitchen
2 young children and I constructed the world's greatest ever 'igloo' Monday evening thanks to number 3 in my advent calendar.
3 days of heavy snow experienced in my time in Chambery so far
(plus 1 Lydia in the snow, cutie!)
4 items of ski equipment bought for a grand total of 165 euros, bargain!
5 plates of sandwiches made for our festivities by yours truly (and 2 lovely ladies)
6 assistants all wrapped up at the Christmas market of Lyon

7 pictures from la fete des lumieres at Lyon this weekend. Incredible!
8 days left until I come home for Christmas :D
9 (or more..?) of these home made 'Christmas' cookies eaten last night. Check out Masakazu's fancy volcano cookie!
10 people in our Italian 'family photo'. Italia!!
On the 11th of December, I finally had a French haircut and got French highlights! I think it went well, managed to persuade them not to put dark brown or red streaks through it and it's still long enough to keep me warm in the winter cold, so all in all a success. Wish I'd had the courage to ask for my fringe to be cut a bit shorter but hey, there's always the good old-fashioned method of a pair of scissors and a mirror. D.I.Y!
2 hours minus 12 minutes until I meet the younger sister of a boy at the lycee whose mum wants me to tutor her in English. 3 jobs, say whaaat?!
13 grapes bought from my 'regular' fruit and veg stall in the market this week where the lady calls me Little Red Riding Hood (Le Petit Chaperon Rouge) and says she loves the way I say 'pomme'.
And a partridge in a pear treeeeeee.
More 'windows to be opened' very soon!
Christmas cheer and love to you all, and I'll be seeing you in no time at all now. 'Window number 21' of the advent calendar, you know who it is ;)
Gros bisous with a sprig of mistletoe
Grenoble Girl
P.S. I just wanted to thank each and every one of you for following my adventures in France and caring enough to see how I'm getting on. I have reached 1000 cheeky blog views and am more than touched by every single 1. I hope you enjoy reading my entries as much as I enjoy sharing them with you.
Oh, and a special shout out to my readers in the Philippines, whoever you may be!