I've blocked an hour or two of this day to let ya'll know what's going on in my belle French life. I no forget you, I promise! <------ I also think writing in English would be a good idea right about now as I used the 'word' forgived yesterday. Just look at that red squiggly line pointing out my English fail right there- who have I become?!?!
So, today's blog has been aptly titled change. It has been a weekend of change and as you said it mama, I do not like change. Simon left us Saturday to go back to Germany and university, and I cried. As you'll remember, I am not a crier. But there I was at the side of the road crying as we waved him and his full to the brim German car off. And it was like a theme tune to my life as this sorrowful song played in my head. Saddest movie scene EVER.
"Don't go, don't leeeeeave...."

Always there since the beginning of the experience, it won't be the same without you Simon. We'll miss you!
And then, almost as if it had never happened, a new housemate moved into Simon's room 3 hours later. He is Lithuanian and called Andreas. And this is all we know about him. He asked me for the wifi code, and we haven't seen him since. His fridge shelf has a lonely Lithuanian cheese placed upon it, and that is it. We know he is alive as he sneaks out of his room to use the toilet on average three times a day. Yes, me and Lydia are keeping an investigative report on him:
He's such a fascinating being! Will of course keep you all posted if we have any major breakthroughs in the experiment...
Saturday was also a day for part goodbyes to an Italian man who has come to hold a dear place in my heart.
Matteo <3

Part goodbyes as he is returning to Chambery this coming weekend so as not to be separated from his beloved Manuela for two whole weeks. So really a half goodbye. Where he presented me with a beautiful farewell letter, all written firsthand in French.
You see, when Matteo arrived here, he didn't speak a word of French. And now, after 6 months in this Alpine town, he leaves a man who is able to have a conversation with people in French, no longer having to ask a fellow Italian to translate his conversations word for word. I am struck by how much has changed in his language ability in such a short space of time, and I am also very proud of him. I think everyone should have an Italian friend who tells you that you look pretty every time you see him- and who has such a lax girlfriend! So thank you for being my friend Matteo, and for making me feel 'tres jolie'!
Half a year can change a person. I know I have changed as a person- I wouldn't be able to tell you how but I know that I have. One such way in which I know I have changed is the feeling of excitement I have at the prospect of meeting a newborn baby tonight! She is the new little sister of the 2 boys I babysit on a Monday night. I buy her the cutest little dress because I don't know what to buy a baby and I wanted this dress in human size for myself.
Beautiful Penelope.
Alas, I must go back to my working day now my friends and family. I really want to make the most of my final 2 weeks at the lycee with my students who I can hand-on-heart say I will miss so very much. I come home in 2 weeks for a long weekend, I do. Can't wait to see you all after 4 months (almost) apart! I also bring Lydia, to see 'the English countryside', coz these Americans think it's all out of a Jane Austen novel. So exciting!
So all that's left is to say is see you soon, and bon appetit if you're about to tuck into lunch! (One must always say that here you know.) Here's a bit of lunchtime entertainment to accompany your meal.
No wonder I'm the only person in France to watch the French Voice.
Gros bisous!
Grenoble Girl
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